
New website/blog

There is a new bells website coming up. It's still not finished but just as finished as this one so please come visit www.bellsmusic.se/blog in the future. That site will be updated and designed more and more in the future.

SO, from now on I'll post my blog entries on www.bellsmusic.se/blog, I'll repeat, www.bellsmusic.se/blog!

Have a brilliant day!



Oh I forgot

I have yet another song I'm working on that goes under the working title 'Reverbet'...

Work in progress

I've been home this week having a flue or cold or something and between reading a nice book (Kim Novak badade aldrig i Genesarets sjö - Håkan Nesser) and sleeping I have been working on some ideas and tunes and some of them I've mentioned earlier but some are new as the day.

Here comes the working titles:

1. Cash
2. Snowflakes
3. Digital
4. Mangerythm
5. Easy target/Foolish dreamer



By the way...

...I started work on some music tonight. It became very anthem like. Maybe I'll manage to write some lyrics tomorrow. Maybe.




The clock just passed midnight
Snowflakes are slowly falling down
Dress the ground in white
There is calm
Everything's quite

It is peace here tonight!



Hello saturday!

We've been taking things easy here this morning. I've written the song 'easy target/foolish dreamer' and been watching some webbtv on svt.se. Now I'll take a warm nice shower.



It is almost midnight

so it's time to go to bed!

Good night.


A camp

Just heard A camp's brand new single, 'stronger than Jesus'. Great music, but I'm a little skeptic to the lyrics..."don't you know love is stronger than Jesus"...I thought He is love defined...

Well, I am looking forward to the album Colonia.



A poster on the wall...

This piece of wood inspired to a song yesterday. Thanks Stefan...

This is where the action is documented.

Friday night

It's friday and Andreas&Johanna is here. They and my mrs 'pysslar' with christmas things and I'm trying to sort things out in "The Office".
It's been a long process making this room ok and there's still much to do before it's done. But it's shaping up!

Now I'll go and join them listening to christmas classics sung by Nat King Cole and Frank Sinatra



Busy, busy

It's been a great weekend with 2 gigs and meeting my family and all. Hopefully I'll post some reports and maybe liveclips here later. But right now I'm busy, busy doing household stuff and being an ok employee.




Tour is getting closer

...and I miss my girls already!

There's been a lot of activity in my head since last weekend. Thinking of things like Life, God, Love and so on and so on...Once I wrote a song about times like these before. It is called 'Light my way'. I think I'll play that one on friday.

There's a lot to plan before a trip like this and like it wasn't enough with the things I wrote about above I've got to fix things like amplifiers, guitars, rental car...

Better go to sleep early...



It's a new day and a new week and I'm tired and uninspired...



Last night

Last night me and my Mrs. went to a youth-meeting at our church. It was ages since we last went together so it was really nice sitting in those hard-like-a-stone benches and hold hands.
Peter Halldorf 'preached' and it was a long time since God spoke too me that strongly. My heart was set on fire and I couldn't stop thinking of what I'd just learnt.

Last night was just amazing!




Last night was a real pleasure. Drums are so fun to record because they are the solid rock that you build your song upon. Mange did a great work on 'If we bury things alive' so stay tuned for that song!



If I'm lucky

If I'm lucky there'll be some drums recorded tonight. :)


I love a woman

Tonight I worked on a song I wrote the basics to a couple of weeks ago. It's named 'A woman, a girl'.

It is about 2.24 long/short and very simple. It will be exciting rewinding the tapes tomorrow and listen to the song. Maybe it's crap, maybe it's great. Time will tell.

I started on another idea called 'Easy target' as well. But things didn't come together so I decided to drop it 'til later.

Now bed.




Trees stand tall at the same place all thier life.
They grow.
They breathe in and they breathe out life.
What could we do without the trees.

Sometimes I wish I could be more satisfied with life and with just breathing. But for the most of the time I'm not, I want to do more, be more, get more! More, more, more...

Now I'll have to go water our flowers.



For free!

The talented artist Derek Webb is giving away yet another record for free in mp3-format. 'The ringing bell' is a bunch of great songs and I will surely listen to it over and over again.

Another great record is the brand new album from british pop trio Keane.
"Almost"-brother-in-law and good friend, musician (the list can go on for a while), Andreas Viberg lend me this record a week ago and I have definitly enjoyed it. Songs like 'Again and again' and 'Spiralling' are pop-classics!




I've been disconnected from the world for 2 days now...being without my computer. I've been spending some quality time with my famaily just hanging around watching some movies and so on. Really great. Me and my little girl are not feeling too well this weekend so we are staying home today from church. I feel sad about that cause I havn't been able to go there the last couple of weeks and won't be able the coming weeks either. So it will be like ages next time. Hopefully things will be more regular soon and calm down a bit before christmas.

Talking about christmas, all I want this year, is a peaceful one. Spend time with family and just be. Be!

Maybe my wish will come true...
