

After a tough day, a glass of milk and a sandwich warms up my soul a little bit. Listening to Dilba and Derek Webb tonight. To great records wich names I can't remember this very moment.

Now I'll go to bed reading Runaway Jury by John Grisham.

Good night and good luck!


A picture

Good morning blog!

Last nights songs turned out to be quite good and after watching some movie clips of U2 I got inspired to write even more. Exit desert - enter ocean. The before sleep there was 2 new song. 'If I havn't got you' and 'Desert'. These are working titles and will probably change in the process.

Now I need to check on my little daughter who has a cold.



In the desert

Lately I've been in a quite creative phase when it comes to songwriting. Some weeks I wrote on new ideas almost everyday. But since our last gig it just stoped. The blood didn't cross the singwriting-vein and everything gets quite frustrating. I want to write but the ideas simply doesn't arrive. I go from the guitar to the piano to the computer to create a beat or something but no good comes out. And tonight I had the same feeling, you know, sitting by my apple with my sixstring trying to come up with an fresh idea. But nothing. Some might wanna explore the desert, but I don't. I want the rainforests, the ocenas the colours, the sky...

After playing some old tune I wander over to the piano and suddendly, from a blank mind, an idea is born. I've tried the same chords before but it took me nowhere. It's a strange feeling when you know the basic of writing but still you can't write.

I don't know if it's something good enough, coming out tonight, but at least it took me somewhere for a brief moment. My wife told me that it was beautiful though, so maybe.


The Sauna

Last night me and good friend Johan, spend an hour talking in their sauna. What a priceless thing to do. I love it. Just sit in the heat and chat for a while. Talk about recording interfaces or family or God or just anything.

This morning started a little to early. My little girl wanted the house to know that she won't fall asleep again. But tough as I am...I won the battle and she is now sleeping some more, just so she hopefully awakends in a better mood. Me though couldn't go back to bed cause there was only a few minutes 'til I had to rise for work. And that's where I'm heading now. So...Have a nice day today!



I love my family

I love my family. Of course my biological, but also my extended. Tonight some of the extended members came by our apartment we ate "Marängswiss" and watched another film about Irene Huss called 'Nattrond'.

Right now I'm thinking about picking up my guitar and record some evening demos or something. Maybe I'll just surf around the web.


Sunny sunday

What a beautiful day.
One hour longer.

Now we're heading out for some chinese food!


Feels good

Is there a better feeling than when you've done something boring and leave it behind. Instead of waiting for tomorrow I've just finished a massive "dish-mountain", listening to great christmas songs.

Now when the sun rises tomorrow or when my little gal wants to get up, there is a spotless and clean kitchen waiting for the breakfast to be done!

Now I'm gonna watch some great work made by Nicklas. He's into motion pictures you know...
Sleep tight!

New ideas

We've got songs for at least one record maybe 2 or 3... Still we're thinking about another EP. Right now we're talking with microfilm productions about a collaboration. We'll see what happens.

Today the sun is shining and I'm in a pretty good mood for the first time in a while. My wife says I've been tired since last weekends intense schedule. Maybe that's true. A lot of nights with interupted sleep following didn't make things easier...


Upcoming shows

We'll pack our gear and head south for 2 gigs in the beautiful parts of sweden called Wermland.

Friday night the 14th of november we'll be doing some soft versions of our songs in Karlstad.
Saturday night the 15th of november Kristinehamn will be visited for a fullbodied show.


So this blog's been dead

Yeah, I know this blog's been dead and I've been thinking about deleting it. But since we haven't a proper website yet I was thinking this could be it.

Stay tuned for updates.
